Thursday, January 28, 2016

If you go out and ask people what makes them happy you would probably get a billion different answers. Most of the people would probably say that money would make them happy for some it must be finding "the one"..... yes I agree these are the  things that will certainly help you find happiness but here are a list of things that I think will have a positive effect on your life. I certainly don't know what exactly the key to happiness is, perhaps I am not wise enough but these are my personal thoughts and I hope they help you out.

One of the biggest issues among people is the way they look. Body image is of the most important factor that a person is judged on in this current society.So, if you weigh 200 pounds and you want to wear a mini skirt, go for it sistah because life is too short to be brought down by insensitive, insecure narcissistic, pathetic and straight up ass faced jerks. You do what you want to do. You wear whatever makes you feel confident and sexy and beautiful. Don't be someone else's beautiful.

This one is important. Lets face it, we live in a world where everyone is for themselves in other words "survival of the fittest" everyone is too busy pushing someone down and trying to stand on top of them (literally) in a world like this how can you expect things from people and actually believe that it will work out well. Obviously there are exceptions but generally you end up getting hurt. Personally I feel that expectations are the source of every problem. Getting rid of expectations is no easy task. There is no way of completely getting rid of them, but you can reduce them with practice and with a constant reminder to yourself that expecting something is the most foolish thing you can do.

Dreams are not supposed to be "realistic" heck! Thats why they are called as dreams. But in order to reach your crazy dreams you must have to hit a couple of mini goals. They are like stepping stones to your ultimate destination. Now while setting these goals you must keep in mind of all the various factors and then determine a goal which pushes your boundaries a little but yet something that you know you can achieve. Be realistic from today in ALL your choices. Try to understand the various outcomes and see what you can do with the available resources and only then make a goal for yourself.

Being happy when something goes wrong is almost next to impossible. We are human at the end of the day and generally we tend to dwell on our problems and it takes a lot of mental and physical effort to stay happy. Being positive is a lesson that I had to learn very late in life. It didn't come naturally to me but eventually I got there. Being positive is nothing but reenforcing some hope into your system. Some people are naturally gifted with the ability to cling onto hope and some like me, don't. But the best thing about being a human is, things like this can be developed with practice and some patience.

You have to work hard for things to happen in your life. There is this one quote that I live by from the TV show, House M.D and it is "Time changes everything. That's what people say. It's not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were." If you want results you need to kick your own ass and get moving. Yes, it is going to be brutal. Actual blood, sweat and tears may be involved and there will be days where you lose hope and nothing goes your way. There will be people who cheat on you and tell you that you are crazy and force you to quit, and chances are you may even consider it for a second. Yes, life is going to give you the finger each time you make a move but you get back up. You need to realize that you have no other choice. 

It's all in the details! Ask a girl about her dream wedding, she would have it all figured out from the color of the napkin rings to the uniform of the waiters. Now thats what the general public lack to do in their daily life. When we are drowning in our problems and we know that we got stuck in some sort of a downward spiral, We can still have those little moments that would add up to something big. Like seeing your kids smile and happy and how they come and give you a hug in the morning or how beautiful the flowers. The true essence of life are in the details. 

This is something that is very obvious but at the same time its something that I have to remind you all about. You can never be happy if you are stuck with negative people who suck the soul out of you. You need to take care of yourself before you take care of others so its essential that you be happy before you try and share that. A change in atmosphere is sometimes the only solution. Happiness is your birth right don't let anyone take it away from you. 

In this generation two hands are simply not enough, I doubt even four would suffice. We live in a time where we need to multitask all the time! Kids, school, work, gym, shopping, cooking, cleaning.. and the list is endless. When you can't hear yourself in your own head then its time you take a good break. Now when I say a break I don’t necessarily mean a vacation in the Bahamas. It could be one day dedicated for yourself where you can do whatever pleases you or even take just thirty minutes off and walk around and get some fresh air.I don't care what it is, Just take a damn break!

Often fear stands in our way of happiness. I don't know why, but whenever I talk to people they are always afraid of something and it tends to get in the way. Sometimes its the fear of commitment or the fear of confronting someone or fear of doing something that challenges them. Don't be afraid of change! Change is good! It means you are not the same person you were a decade back, Its a sign showing you how far you have progressed. When you are scared of something it means its the perfect opportunity to expand your mental horizon. Fear gives you power and strength even though it feels like the opposite of what I just said. Everything new always stirs up some fear in us but we shouldn't let that stop us. We should let that drive us forward and convert that into productive energy. 

Never let anyone push you around! Don't let people trick you and manipulate you. People like that would often tell you that you can't do something they keep saying "no!". Maybe you have a new idea and you reach out for help and people say "No!" You shouldn't let that get to you.We as human beings get manipulated by our close family and friends all the time. When someone close to you says that you can't do something and you are wasting your time over nothing, you tend to believe them and thats the point where you break and give up. So the key here for happiness is, When someone says "No, You can't do that!". Look at them straight in the eye and tell them that they are wrong and you will find a way to make it work no matter what it takes.Trust me. It will change you for the better.

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