Thursday, January 28, 2016

To be honest, that is not the right way to frame that question. The word 'meaning' denotes something singular, there is this hidden notion that tends to objectify things. It tends to give us an impression that meaning comes out of objects and experiences but fails to focus on the relationship between the subject and the object. Life like many things is very subjective. Your meaning would come from your belief system. This belief system like our universe is never constant. It changes from one generation to the other, from one culture to the other. I have wondered if life actually had a meaning, and if that meaning was something universal or something personal. I wanted to know if oblivion was our final destination. I soon realized that I was not the only one who was wondering about the meaning of life, so I decided to ask people and here is what they had to say.

"For me life on earth means a sort of preparation for the afterlife. On a much deeper level, life on earth is like a soul tutorial. Personally, I'm here to learn how to live with soul consciousness."

“Hard question. First be proud of your mom she gave birth to you. Then just survive and make a happy life. I guess.”

"Life for me is a Ferrari."

"Life is Oxygen and Carbon-dioxide"

" Life is a long unpredictable journey, Your plan is never going to go your way but that's the beauty of it and that's what makes it worth living"

" Life to me is a SWOT analysis, to see if the person has taken various decisions according to the situation and to see how they react and how they grow with that experience."

“To die”

" Life is a game. It's all about a key to your success. To achieve it, you need to cross through many levels in the game. If you lose your life then you won't be able to continue in the game. So stick to the game, play as smart as possible, Use the bonuses you get, Collect many points as possible which makes crossing these levels a lot easier."

" Life is what you perceive it to be! Life is just in the moment, that present moment you living in. You think life is a disco then it's a disco. You think it's a garden then it's a garden. Life is the sum total of your thoughts and moments which trigger those thoughts!"

“Nothing life means nothing. It’s just something you gotta do or not”

“There is no meaning. Life is an experience. Not a quest with some task to complete.”

" Life is an art. Its where you live, laugh, love, dance, sing in your own world. Life is something that you have, you can't see what's coming in the future, and you can't get the things you lost in the past."

" Life is all about happiness and satisfaction. 'If you're satisfied you'll sleep hungry' that quote is what I believe in and I believe that's what life might be"

" The meaning of life is to add meaning to your life."

“To give life a meaning”

"According to me life is meant to be lived, it can be easy or difficult. Sometimes good, other times rough. But at every up or down in life you always learn a lesson."

" On any given day, the ultimate aim would be to wake up tomorrow. So far, I've been 100% successful. One day, I won't. But every time you wake up.... you have to create your own meaning of life."


"For me life means, to earn people and to live with them and to get better together to add this awesome flavor called smile and good memories"

"Live your life and find it yourself. What you discover is the meaning."

" I think life is a journey. People say its short but I guess it's not. People say live in the moment but I think it needs a plan to go through the full journey while enjoying the scenery around."

“To live genuinely. To experience heartbreak and the great joys of the world.”

"Life is easy like a rollercoaster. You shouldn't waste a moment by looking behind to make sure that you don't miss the exciting moment that's coming ahead."

“To get to do all the things you love with positive people in your life. And growing stronger as a person.”

So, here you go folks, the meaning of life.

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