Thursday, January 28, 2016

So If you didn’t know what this book is about here is a little run down for you. 
The book follows a seventeen year old girl named Mare Barrow who happens to live in a world thats divided by blood- Red and Silver. The Reds are the commoners who are forced to do all of dirty work while the Silvers are the ones with superpowers who, you guessed it, are treated like royals.
Mare gets a job in the Silver Palace where a series of events leads her to discover that in spite of being a Red she has a power of her own which naturally makes the situation a little complicated.
Mare is forced to hide her true identity behind a mask and has been thrown into this dangerous game of power and love.

         “Anyone can betray anyone” oh you don’t say?! 

Mare Barrow has some serious problems. She isn’t brave she is just whinny and down right annoying. She’s that friend who yells “VAGINA!” when you’re on a phone call with your mum, seriously Mare, can you shut up for a minute? Thanks.

This book is one giant mashup of every single YA series that you’ve read. It has the essence of Hunger Games, Divergent, The Lunar Chronicles, Game of Thrones, X-men and I’m not going to lie, there were parts that even reminded me of 1984 and a tiny bit of Twilight. 

The world building was not very impressive and the plot was incredibly predictable.This book doesn’t really have a lot of romance and the love triangle sorta turned into a love square(Seriously, WTF?). Some parts of the story moved too quickly which didn’t give me enough time to fall in love with the male leads. The story bombards you with well timed cliches and if you are into that then this is the book for you. 

I certainly didn’t hate the Red Queen, there were parts of the story that I thoroughly enjoyed. If i read this book when I was 12, I would be freaking out too. But with all the hype that this book had garnered I couldn’t help feel disappointed. That being said, I’d like to give this book two and a half donuts out of five. Mmmm donuts. 

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