Thursday, January 28, 2016

"Love is not the absence of logic but logic examined and recalculated - heated and curved to fit inside the contours of the heart"

Sometimes when you read a book, you don’t really form an opinion, you just read because you want to read. You don’t assess how you’re feeling and this book did that to me. I can’t begin to explain how amazing and cleverly crafted this book was. It wasn’t your average contemporary book full of cliches like an awkward girl who falls in love with this totally dream guy with a really obvious twist. I absolutely loathe those kinds of books.

This book was REALISTIC. It wasn’t about finding McDreamy but about dealing with tough situations, it's about finding yourself and embracing your flaws. It's about feeling vulnerable and confused and finding your own way out before jumping into a man’s arms. I love how Tamara beautifully intertwines a very raw sensitive topic into the story. I'm glad she is raising awareness about things that most people don’t like talking about.

If you plan on reading this book then get ready to swoon your bum off. Lucas is the complete package, he’s a man’s man. He can kick some ass, work multiple jobs, excels at academics, draws like an angel (and looks like one too), cooks you a great dinner, he’s super protective and wins you over with his oh so sweet lovin’. 

This book is unputdownable, if you haven’t ordered one yet, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR??! Go get one! This story is just spine-tinglingly delicious. It will leave you sheepishly giddy with nostalgic butterflies. 5 fabulous stars for this gem of a book! 

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