Thursday, January 28, 2016

Creativity is a renewable resource. Challenge yourself every day. Be as creative as you like, as often as you want, because you can never run out. Experience and curiosity drive us to make unexpected, offbeat connections. It is these nonlinear steps that often lead to the greatest work

The easiest 5 stars I’ve given in my life. Biz Stone, Genius. I will never forget him because he lived life with so much style and courage. He leads his life by simply trusting his gut. Me and you would have literally killed to get some of the opportunities that this man was blessed with but if it didn’t feel right, he just walked away. Google offering him a decent job, Mark Zuckerberg offering him half a billion dollars for a company that he casually created on a hackathon.

Biz was a man like no other, he put people and causes above profits. He believed in making his own opportunities and was not put down during some of the hard phases in his life. He stuck to what he believed in till the very end which made him the best candidate for success. He went on dropping out of college to painstakingly horrifyingly poor to stutteringly rich in an instant.

If you are addicted to Twitter and you’re looking for a memoir/self-help/philanthropic book then this one is for you. Listen to the story of how Twitter was born directly from the co-founder. This book is full of little trinkets of wisdom. This isn’t a story of how rich he got or how smart he was, this was a stripped down, raw human story. The story of a man, who wasn’t sucked in by fame or fortune but simply did things that felt right to him and eventually possessed the power to change the world as we now know it. 

Thank you, Biz for teaching me a lesson that I’ll take to my grave.

Constraint inspires creativity”

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